You guys make it look so easy

Written by on Mar 1 2013

I’ll often ask someone for help with promoting something, getting feedback on an idea or making a decision. They’ll reply with, “You guys make it look so easy.”

OMG. Please don’t think that.

Here are three articles we wrote about why business isn’t easy.

  1. Business is hard as shit.
  2. Life is Hard, Focus on Happiness
  3. It’s Always Easier Looking In.

We’ve launched apps that have never made a dime (LessProjects), our main product LessAccounting took YEARS before it made over $5K a month, we’ve posted over 500 articles and yet our blog still isn’t read by tens of thousands of people. Selling LessConf tickets is always hard, although easier each year. We’ve tried to host other events that never took hold (Design on Rails). We’ve been called racists and sexists because some people thought our speakers at LessConf weren’t diverse enough. We’ve been called arrogant because we speak our minds.

This adventure is hard, because business is hard. Running a business that is transparent in its beliefs and opinions is even harder.

We always need help.

We always need feedback on ideas, and help promoting our apps and events.

Never think any of this is easy for us or we that take our tiny “successes” for granted.


Hi I'm Allan,

I wrote the article you're reading... I'm one of the co-founders of LessEverything. I love my family more than breathing and I love creating videos about our family adventures.

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