You're Wasting my Time Sucka!

Written by on Feb 5 2008

Jason Fried of 37signals says meetings are unproductive and I can’t agree more. I would even go as far as saying most conference calls are a waste of time. Here my reasoning, it never fails someone will talk and talk and have no idea what they are talking about. You’ll listen to their 10-minute ego speech using vague buzz words and then you’ll disprove their “theory” in half a sentence. So please, if you don’t know what you are talking about don’t pretend to know. You don’t see me with a blog about dieting do you? If someone asks a question and you don’t know, don’t pretend you know the answer. Save us all the agony of listening to you ramble around the wrong answer.


Hi I'm Allan,

I wrote the article you're reading... I'm one of the co-founders of LessEverything. I love my family more than breathing and I love creating videos about our family adventures.

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