To Work a Job You Love

Written by on Nov 29 2011

Job satisfaction doesn’t always mean a fatter paycheck. Doing what you love every day and getting paid for it doesn’t usually mean you’ll work a shorter amount of hours. Producing things from your heart means that when you’re judged, it hurts worse. Putting your craft, your idea, your skill, your art out for the world to see means you may experience more fear doing it than you will while sitting at your current job.

To be happier on Monday, it might require you cutting your expenses back. It might mean you’re not going to be able to afford that new car, but here’s the plus side; once you’re doing what you love, those material desires dissipate, and you care about them far less. It’s human nature to buy shiny trinkets as a means to please your material self thus compensating for working a job you hate. You’re temporarily tricking yourself into thinking you’re happy, but the “shiny” things will tarnish. That new car will depreciate, and you’ll still be paying for it. That car note will keep you from leaving your job long after it’s rusted and gone flat. It’ll become a physical and mental barrier to real happiness. You’ll say, “I can’t leave my job. I have bills.”

A newer, more passionate version of yourself is waiting, and happiness is contiguous. It stops being just about you. You’ll look to free others from their enslavement. They’re trapped in their own ignorance and fear. It will hurt your soul to see the people around you counting the hours to Friday afternoon.

Your life won’t be perfect. You’ll make mistakes, but you’ll respect yourself more, and you’ll respect the money you earn, because it’s a byproduct of your passion.

…at least that’s what happened to me.


Hi I'm Allan,

I wrote the article you're reading... I'm one of the co-founders of LessEverything. I love my family more than breathing and I love creating videos about our family adventures.

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