Be Thankful

Written by on Feb 10 2008

During Sunday afternoons I spend time thinking about the past week and the week ahead. I ask myself, what can I do to improve? How can I help my business be successfull? Today as I think about this I find myself being washed over with a warm feeling of gratitude. A thankful spirit is such a great feeling. I’m grateful for many things, my family, for doing a job I love, working with such stellar people, having solid friends, great clients and all things life has dealt me.

We’re all so lucky to be in this industry. Most of our mistakes can be fixed with a redeploy or hitting command+z. Most of us make decent money for a job we love and are passionate about. I believe taking a few minutes to appreciate your situation is important. Even if you have the client from hell, be thankful for that client. I’m sure somewhere there is someone else that would love to have that client even with their flaws. So take a moment before you get busy today and appreciate all life/business/love has given you.


Hi I'm Allan,

I wrote the article you're reading... I'm one of the co-founders of LessEverything. I love my family more than breathing and I love creating videos about our family adventures.

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