Setting up nginx on redhat (centos)

Written by on Jun 22 2007
  1. sudo yum install pcre*

    1. Download nginx tarball
    2. tar zxvf nginx-0.5.26.tar.gz
    3. cd nginx-0.5.26

    ./configure —sbin-path=/sbin/nginx —conf-path=/usr/local/nginx/nginx.conf —pid-path=/usr/local/nginx/ —with-httpsslmodule —with-md5=auto/lib/md5 —with-sha1=auto/lib/sha1

  2. make

    1. sudo make install
      Done. Now, go into /usr/local/nginx and set it up.



baldrailers said on April 20, 2009

Nice write-up. I’ve installed nginx using the new mod_rails. But tracing the nginx error logs i’ve noticed a lot of error with the Helpers. Is this the solution for it?


Matt MacDougall
Matt MacDougall said on February 05, 2010

Found this config line when searching for nginx on redhat es5. I ended up also having to install pcre-devel, openssl-devel and zlib-devel for nginx to find the proper libraries. I was able to successfully build nginx-0.7.65. Thanks!

Paul said on November 01, 2010

You may also need to adjust iptables before nginx will actually be able to accept connections from external machines.


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