RailsConf ... The Eagle Has Landed

Written by on May 18 2007

Passing Mt. Hood while flying in to Portland was a breathtaking experience. A very large, singular peak, no friends or neighbors, just the proud lonely peak. It’s head above the clouds, snow passing above the tree line. And me watching it, eye level just below the summit. Very nice. Flying into Portland I thought what a very pretty place. Took the Red Line train from the airport and realized that I have become completely unaccustomed to seeing homeless people. It was shocking to see so many. Under the many overpasses the train traveled, I could see them come and go, climbing the embankments.

I exited the train at the convention center and then walked the eight or so blocks to my hotel. The Jupiter Hotel. Thanks again to Derek Sivers and CD Baby. Had dinner with Tim Bennett and Tom Fuchs. Then went to meet up with Yehuda Katz and his wife Leah. Yehuda gave a talk tonight about jQuery and the jQuery on Rails Plugin. The talk was very good, but it was really great to finally meet my friends. Dr. Nic was also in attendance.

Oh, by the way, I did invite the people I had dinner with to attend Yahuda’s talk, including Tom Fuchs. He didn’t come.

It has now been more than twenty-four hours since I woke up this morning, although I did sleep for a total of forty minutes during the two flights. I am taking lots pictures, so be sure to check my flickr feed in about a month or so when they finally get posted.


Hi I'm Steven,

I wrote the article you're reading... I lead the developers, write music, used to race motorcycles, and help clients find the right features to build on their product.

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