How we track links in Google Analytics

Written by on Oct 21 2015

In the “previous post”: I had three links to three of our business units, LessAccounting, LessFilms, and LessChurn. All of these links contain utm variable so we can track them.

Go ahead, click one or two to see the url in your browser.

Here’s what each part mean:

  • utm_medium: The tool we used to send the link. In this case it’s just blog. Most often it is “Outreach” because we send a lot of mail from Outreach
  • utm_source: Highest level tier (for whatever tool we’re using) that tell us where the link was sent from. In this case it’s just “LessEverything blog.” For Outreach we use the name of the sequence.
  • utm_campaign: The middle level. In this case it was the name of the blog post. For Outreach it’s the text of the subject line.
  • utm_content : The lowest level. For us that’s the text portion of the link they clicked.

Bonus content

Look closely at the link above for Outreach. You can see I’ve decorated it with utm_source, utm_content, and utm_medium. Why? Because I want them to know who we are. I want to be on their radar. If they’re savvy, I’ll get in their brain.


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